For Gunshop Owners
As a fellow gun shop owner, we understand that your time is valuable and that you want to remain focused on the business-critical tasks that help you improve the bottom line. That’s not easy when you’re bogged down with paperwork and federal regulations just to send a firearm to another store. C&C Indoor Range can facilitate this process on your behalf. If you are reaching out to get our FFL information, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.
We have a complete understanding of the Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) regulations and what it takes to navigate them while remaining compliant. We’ll guide you through the process of gathering the recipient’s FFL details, shipping the firearm, and maintaining clear and transparent communications until the buyer has their new firearm. That way, you can continue to use your time helping individuals enjoy their second amendment rights.
* - Required